“Surely He will save you from the fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence.” Psalm 91:3

What is the “fowler’s snare” and what is the “deadly pestilence”? Like all of God’s promises, there is a desire to make them all about purely material or physical concerns. If we pray sincerely enough, will God save us from Covid, or keep us from the destruction of life in a fallen world? Will He make our life financially prosperous and free from struggles and trials. Maybe, but also, maybe not. We should certainly pray for such deliverance and ask God for temporal blessings, nevertheless, we should not lose sight of the bigger picture, the spiritual matters that are eternal and much more serious.

All of God’s promises are first and foremost set in the long term and concerned most especially with that which is eternal. Whether God brings us physical healing or material and financial success is far secondary to the spiritual gifts He has promised for us. This life fades away quickly and even material and physical blessings are ultimately only temporary. While we can pray for such gifts, we should never forget that which is most essential. We should never be discouraged when this life brings challenges and disappointments because what is most crucial has already been granted to us, that is, the salvation of our souls and our eternal life.

We know that God’s promises are always in line with His will, and because they are, they will come to fruition. Rather than to frame God’s promises into our own wants and desires, we should ultimately trust in His will. As we trust in His plan and His promises, we know that what is best will come about, and that is our ultimate desire in Christ!

Know that you are loved!

Peace and Joy,
Pastor Kilian