Jesus wept” John 11:35 (KJV)

I know we are praying nowadays much more frequently even as we are beginning to see many more signs of peace. Yet, as we pray we are doing so with heavy, saddened hearts by the senseless death of George Floyd and its devastation to his family and loved ones. We are saddened by the loss of other lives, that have also occurred. And we are saddened by injustices; saddened by the destruction done to our communities; saddened by the anger and hatred so rampart in our world today; saddened by the effects of the Covid-19 Corona virus, along with the loss of employment. Yes, we are sad. And rightly so!

But even our collective sadness pales in comparison to the greater sadness our compassionate Lord feels. His heart breaks over the effects that sin, death and the devil have had on His creation and all of His children. And this is why Jesus went to the Cross, to give the answer to sadness, distress and hopelessness. His answer was a love that goes deeper than any other emotion, and grants a greater hope that far outweighs even our present sense of hopelessness.

When Jesus rose from the dead, He gave reason for hope, strength for change, promise of new life and the ability to live beyond our sadness. In the second to the last chapter of the Bible, God speaks of His certain promises…from Revelation 21:4-5a.

“He wipes every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. He Who is seated on the Throne said ‘I am making everything new.’”

Through God’s Spirit, we are empowered to live new with peace and joy!

Know that you are loved!

Pastor Kilian