“Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: the virgin will be with child and will give birth to a Son, and will call Him Immanuel.” Isaiah 7:14
This promise was given nearly 700 years before the birth of Jesus and was fulfilled on this day of remembrance. It proves that God indeed always keeps His promises and does so in His time. This promise was a great encouragement in Isaiah’s day as it is also in our day so many years later. While the people of God looked forward to this promise to be fulfilled when it was given, so now we look back to when it occurred.
Beyond the initial promise of the prophecy, there is also the promise that is given in the title of the Son Who would be born. The name “Immanuel” is from the Hebrew and means, “God with us”. We receive His Name as a promise that the Almighty God is present in our lives. While many may see God as distant and dwelling in heaven far removed from our daily lives, the title would correct their thinking. To know that God is with us is to know that He is for us and concerned about us and that we have His watchful eye on us at all times in the here and now.
It is probably easiest to receive this promise when things are going well and we are happy and healthy. But it should be understood that God is also present when challenges are before us and when difficulties and set backs plague our days. Indeed, these are the times when we hold to the promise of His Name all the more.
Despite all that is before us in this modern time, seeking to steal our joy and hope, we remember, especially this day, that Christ was born to be the God Who is with us now and always!
Know that you are loved!
Peace and Joy and Merry Christmas!
Pastor Kilian